It is a humbling experience knowing you will soon have to ask for help.
To start at the beginning, and I won't go into too much detail or else this would take all day, I moved out of my parents home when I was 18 years I am, age 27 with a daughter and a fiance.
With all the things that seem to be crumbling around us, the only solution to some of our problems will be to ask for help. Now I don't know about you, but I've been on my own for the past 9 years and I HATE the thought of this.
I'm facing thoughts that are just eating away at me. Like, WOW...I can't believe we look this irresponsible. Now, you all may not know...but my fiance and I are not irresponsible, we just live as best we can off the little money we do make. No health insurance, hardly any savings and one car between the two of us.
So with that in we are with a major law suit against an organization (will keep them anonymous) for my fiance's health issues (injury). While we will eventually re-coop the money after the law suit is done, we're having to dish out tons of money that we don't have. *STRESS*
On top of that, if you've been following my blog, we've had MAJOR car issues...none of which would have been going on if it weren't the fault of a towing company. So, we're at our wits end with this issue too. We've taken the car back from the towing company who claims that the repairs have been made...however, in driving the car today, the car jerks when you first accelerate and the check engine light and anti-lock break lights are lit on my we've decided to take the car to a dealership and have it inspected and fixed and in turn, sue the towing company for the cost of the repairs...Only problem with that is...we're going to have to come out of pocket with our money first. *STRESS*
O..did I mention I'm getting married next month? Down in Florida, where I was going to DRIVE MY CAR TO GET THERE because flying is so expensive...Well don't know if we can do that anymore...So we may have to pay for flying to Florida, on top of paying for the wedding. *STRESS*
Or, how about I tell you that on Monday, my fiance was let go of his job due to the fact that he "missed too many days of work" because of his injury....yet the manager says that he didn't miss too many days and that the owner is crazy...
Sooooo NOW We're trying to pay for all of this on one income...all within less than 6 weeks!
So anyway...the whole point in this (besides venting)...
We're at a point where I can see us having to ask for help from our awful do I feel that we can't seem to take care of our own responsibilities? It's embarrassing! Most importantly, it makes me feel like I can't take care of my own daughter.
The stress is making me sick
And I am so ready for all of this to just be over
Every day I try to find the lesson that I'm supposed to learn from all of this...but at this point it's hard enough to just have to deal with it, let alone try to find the positive side to it all.
To start at the beginning, and I won't go into too much detail or else this would take all day, I moved out of my parents home when I was 18 years I am, age 27 with a daughter and a fiance.
With all the things that seem to be crumbling around us, the only solution to some of our problems will be to ask for help. Now I don't know about you, but I've been on my own for the past 9 years and I HATE the thought of this.
I'm facing thoughts that are just eating away at me. Like, WOW...I can't believe we look this irresponsible. Now, you all may not know...but my fiance and I are not irresponsible, we just live as best we can off the little money we do make. No health insurance, hardly any savings and one car between the two of us.
So with that in we are with a major law suit against an organization (will keep them anonymous) for my fiance's health issues (injury). While we will eventually re-coop the money after the law suit is done, we're having to dish out tons of money that we don't have. *STRESS*
On top of that, if you've been following my blog, we've had MAJOR car issues...none of which would have been going on if it weren't the fault of a towing company. So, we're at our wits end with this issue too. We've taken the car back from the towing company who claims that the repairs have been made...however, in driving the car today, the car jerks when you first accelerate and the check engine light and anti-lock break lights are lit on my we've decided to take the car to a dealership and have it inspected and fixed and in turn, sue the towing company for the cost of the repairs...Only problem with that is...we're going to have to come out of pocket with our money first. *STRESS*
O..did I mention I'm getting married next month? Down in Florida, where I was going to DRIVE MY CAR TO GET THERE because flying is so expensive...Well don't know if we can do that anymore...So we may have to pay for flying to Florida, on top of paying for the wedding. *STRESS*
Or, how about I tell you that on Monday, my fiance was let go of his job due to the fact that he "missed too many days of work" because of his injury....yet the manager says that he didn't miss too many days and that the owner is crazy...
Sooooo NOW We're trying to pay for all of this on one income...all within less than 6 weeks!
So anyway...the whole point in this (besides venting)...
We're at a point where I can see us having to ask for help from our awful do I feel that we can't seem to take care of our own responsibilities? It's embarrassing! Most importantly, it makes me feel like I can't take care of my own daughter.

Every day I try to find the lesson that I'm supposed to learn from all of this...but at this point it's hard enough to just have to deal with it, let alone try to find the positive side to it all.
I feel for your struggle. I hope you find a way to pull this all out of the mire, and make the life you want. Sending good thoughts...
budism says most suffering comes from desire and by giving up desire you can give up suffering
for instance why not delay the wedding ?
other budist solutions is meditation to staboilize u emo tions