Well well well.... Here we are, Tuesday and I think I'm ready to talk about this jumble of stuff that's been happening.
First, on Sunday October 23rd my wallet was stolen. Yup, my license, debit card, costco card, medical cards, everything!
Of course I did what any person would do and cancel my cards, report it stolen, but that changes nothing...I couldn't get money out of the bank to go pay for my ID....I was running around in circles for a while. Don't these people realize I need my ID so I can get my marriage license and go on my wedding cruise at the end of December?
Then, on Friday October 28th my daughter lost my only set of keys to my car. SOOOO...I had to get the car towed to the dealership for them to cut a key and program the micro-chip....
I got the keys no problem, however, the towing company towed my FRONT wheel drive BACKWARDS and drove on the freeway with it....SOOOOO....my reverse doesn't work and my car wouldn't go over 30 miles an hour in drive.
The tow truck company said they would fix it but since I could not prove that they were the ones that caused the problem, they would not pay for a rental car! After a few conversations with management they saw it my way and agreed to reimburse me for a rental car and told me that it would be ready by Wednesday November 2nd.
On Friday November 4th I finally got my car back...and the test drive went fine. But these guys stories were so shady, first they said they'd give me a warranty on the transmission work and they had sent it away to get fixed. Then they said we weren't getting a written warranty because they did the work and if anything happened to the car just bring it back to them.... OK?
While driving my car home I was stopped at a red light, when the light turned green I attempted to accelerate. My car just reved and then jerked into gear. As soon as I started moving the "O/D off" light started flashing on and off and my "battery" light came on.... O GREAT!
I drove to my nearest friend's house and sat with them for a while chatting. I then put my sleeping daughter into the car to drive home, and go figure...the car won't even start. So here I am on Tuesday (5 days later) with a rental car again. The towing company towed the car back to their shop and told me that there wouldn't be a mechanic in until Monday to look at the car.... BLAH!
Do they not understand that I'm supposed to be getting married at the end of December and I am supposed to be driving that car down to Florida???? What am I going to do? I'm nervous that they'll "fix" it and then it'll break down on my way to Florida or back.
Sure, the smart thing to do would be to take the car to a dealership, pay for the repairs and then sue them for the money...but who has that kind of money? NOT ME!
they make me sick...
Either way, in between all of that I had some really um....let's just call them interesting people come into my office. They were quite rude and frustrating, so to add that to my car issues and my wallet issues, which ALL affect my wedding issues....I was just one big bundle of annoyed and frustrated!
I've calmed down since then, although my worries still haven't gone away. I'm just trying to look on the brighter side of things because obviously being upset wasn't getting me anywhere.
So again, I apologize for my absence...but I'm here, and I still check my messages every day! ANNNNDDDD....my set comes out for Member Review on the 14th (@4:00 a.m.)...which means...1 more week and I'll be naked on the internet lol...
I truly hope everybody has a great day!
xoxox LoveLi
First, on Sunday October 23rd my wallet was stolen. Yup, my license, debit card, costco card, medical cards, everything!
Of course I did what any person would do and cancel my cards, report it stolen, but that changes nothing...I couldn't get money out of the bank to go pay for my ID....I was running around in circles for a while. Don't these people realize I need my ID so I can get my marriage license and go on my wedding cruise at the end of December?
Then, on Friday October 28th my daughter lost my only set of keys to my car. SOOOO...I had to get the car towed to the dealership for them to cut a key and program the micro-chip....
I got the keys no problem, however, the towing company towed my FRONT wheel drive BACKWARDS and drove on the freeway with it....SOOOOO....my reverse doesn't work and my car wouldn't go over 30 miles an hour in drive.
The tow truck company said they would fix it but since I could not prove that they were the ones that caused the problem, they would not pay for a rental car! After a few conversations with management they saw it my way and agreed to reimburse me for a rental car and told me that it would be ready by Wednesday November 2nd.
On Friday November 4th I finally got my car back...and the test drive went fine. But these guys stories were so shady, first they said they'd give me a warranty on the transmission work and they had sent it away to get fixed. Then they said we weren't getting a written warranty because they did the work and if anything happened to the car just bring it back to them.... OK?
While driving my car home I was stopped at a red light, when the light turned green I attempted to accelerate. My car just reved and then jerked into gear. As soon as I started moving the "O/D off" light started flashing on and off and my "battery" light came on.... O GREAT!
I drove to my nearest friend's house and sat with them for a while chatting. I then put my sleeping daughter into the car to drive home, and go figure...the car won't even start. So here I am on Tuesday (5 days later) with a rental car again. The towing company towed the car back to their shop and told me that there wouldn't be a mechanic in until Monday to look at the car.... BLAH!
Do they not understand that I'm supposed to be getting married at the end of December and I am supposed to be driving that car down to Florida???? What am I going to do? I'm nervous that they'll "fix" it and then it'll break down on my way to Florida or back.
Sure, the smart thing to do would be to take the car to a dealership, pay for the repairs and then sue them for the money...but who has that kind of money? NOT ME!

Either way, in between all of that I had some really um....let's just call them interesting people come into my office. They were quite rude and frustrating, so to add that to my car issues and my wallet issues, which ALL affect my wedding issues....I was just one big bundle of annoyed and frustrated!
I've calmed down since then, although my worries still haven't gone away. I'm just trying to look on the brighter side of things because obviously being upset wasn't getting me anywhere.
So again, I apologize for my absence...but I'm here, and I still check my messages every day! ANNNNDDDD....my set comes out for Member Review on the 14th (@4:00 a.m.)...which means...1 more week and I'll be naked on the internet lol...

I truly hope everybody has a great day!
xoxox LoveLi
I will keep you posted when and if I fight :-)
hell yes...that would make my day