Can I please take the time to vent a little?
Now I know we all have some part of our lives that are super stressful....mine is my job.
Don't get me wrong, I love my job however sometimes the people I encounter are just so frustrating.
Is it really necessary to yell at me because you received a noise complaint? Then explain to me that whomever reported this is a snitch, and snitches don't belong here!
Um....we're not in jail....we're adults occupying apartment homes.
Or how about an applicant coming into your office eating a chicken wing while they fill out their application?
Let me say right now, I'm not racist, but ghetto is ghetto no matter what color or background you are.
If you haven't guessed, I'm a property manager, in a pretty run down part of town.
Anybody have some fun stories to share?
Now I know we all have some part of our lives that are super stressful....mine is my job.
Don't get me wrong, I love my job however sometimes the people I encounter are just so frustrating.
Is it really necessary to yell at me because you received a noise complaint? Then explain to me that whomever reported this is a snitch, and snitches don't belong here!
Um....we're not in jail....we're adults occupying apartment homes.
Or how about an applicant coming into your office eating a chicken wing while they fill out their application?
Let me say right now, I'm not racist, but ghetto is ghetto no matter what color or background you are.
If you haven't guessed, I'm a property manager, in a pretty run down part of town.
Anybody have some fun stories to share?

Never again would you stress over hateful beings.