Sun is shining, rain is falling. It looks extra weird outside right now. I kind of like it.
Rainbow weather.
Totally. I'm usually all for gloomy, rainy days... but this was refreshing.
Oh fuck yes. Just finished demoing the first song for my new band with the drummer from my main band. Its like... joy division and interpol type stuff, but gloomier! Will post soon. SOOOOO fun.
show me!
I'll send it to ya in a minute!
That was so much fun. Jacksonville was crazy, Savannah was terrifying, Columbia was, again, terrifying. The other shows were outrageous as well. So many stories. So much alcohol & gross food. I'd type more if I wasn't so tired. Tons of videos and pics to come!
When in doubt... grow some ridiculous facial hair. Words to live by. Here goes nothing....
get some handlebars. the braided goatee takes too long smile
Chops to 'stache... civil war style!
Bonnaroo was a DISASTER. Ugh. So much wasted time & money. My weekend now full of sitting around doing nothing instead of raging hard for 4 days while seeing some awesome bands. Booooooo! Hissssss!
Well, we brought out 150 people last night. I had no real expectations as to how it would go, but was pleased in the end. I think we're finally getting into the swing of things. Tour is in 2 weeks! I'm so sore from last night though. Time for art!
Ah! Show this weekend. Bonnaroo the weekend after that. Then we leave for tour the following weekend! June 2010 is a winnerrrrrrrrr.
The show was decent. The music scene here is just so sad. There hasn't been a good scene for a long time, so people don't bother going out to support the shows we do have, and in turn we continue to have poorly attended shows and venues with less and less interest in booking these withering events. It's pretty disappointing.

Our show was fun though....
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