Oh my glob. So much going on. Things. And other things.
Mostly school;
2 Biology tests Thursday.
1 Chemistry test that same Thursday.
5 online Nutrition tests due like weeks ago...
Tomorrow Through Friday is game time.
Here's a little taste of what I have to cram into my brain:
And then I will proceed to drink. Allllllllll weekend.
In terms of my job world, we totally caught this girl at my work stealing.
So hilarious and sad at the same time.
Backstory: At first we thought she was just socially awkward.
Oh no; it's much more than that. ALL she does is talk about getting her nails done professionally, but (pardon my rudeness).. they always kinda look like shit...like she does them herself. Hey, no harm no foul; my right hand always looks ridiculous. So last week at work she starts talking about how she's getting her nails painted with Russian Navy (a color we carry)-- after she left we noticed the color was missing even though no one had purchased it. We even double checked the counts on the computer.
It's pretty easy to keep track of everything when your store only has 4 employees.
We then go to check the other polishes... there is literally one of every single color unaccounted for.
But here's the shitty thing- we can't fire her unless we catch her in the act. My boss is so pumped on it... she's acting like a little detective. I'm excited to watch the whole thing unfold.
And lastly...
I got my septum done again! Now I have 2. I love them.
Here are some pictures of puppy playtime today...
and your hair is green!!!
ps: you look super cute with a double septum.