Went to Rockey Horror picture show with Skyler.

It was a fucking blast. Can't wait to go again.

Went to Six Flags the morning after. I was exhausted but it was worth it.

Luke won me this bad ass cape too

Went to the beautiful wedding of Zakk and Stezz

Best party ever with Skyler. I've been calling it the big gay Halloween bash. Such a great party. Cept for Tracy...

Really should have left that guy at home lol. He was just pissing people off the whole night.

Halloween weekend I spent party hopping with Luke (I've been doing a lot of partying lately)

found Skyler!

Skyler helped me figure out my dad's camera and let me take pictures of him. Nobody ever lets me take pictures of them!

And lucky me Skyler's so cute!

Took some pictures for Beth's (Luke's sister) birthday party. It was nice

I love life so much right now. I wish things could stay like this forever.