wow I haven't posted in a while. Well I'm in my new apartment with my new room mates and it both rocks and sucks at the same time. I've been having a lot of fun, more fun than I'm use to. My room mates are very cool people. They kinda suck as room mates though. They are mostly slobs and they have a super cute baby that makes messes everywhere and I'm usually the one to pick it up. I hate being a neat freak in a house of slobs. I don't want roaches, I don't want to get sick and I don't want to have dirty dishes all over the house every day. Plus Levi and I are the only two working. So I get off a 7 hour shift and come home to a fucked up apartment that I just cleaned the night before to fucking clean it again. While they play video games and hangout with their baby. Then I bake and then I go pick up Levi. I think I'm just going to get use to it. I don't want to be anyone's bitch lecturing mom so I'll just get really fast at cleaning and be the best fucking room mate ever...i guess.
But i have fun
Cass helps me clean sometimes out of guilt

I see people I haven't seen in a while

I meet new people

Their baby is fucking adorable

and I get an awesome Hitler cat friend

oh yeah and Cody has cool pants and is cute...

i think i'll be happy
But i have fun

Cass helps me clean sometimes out of guilt

I see people I haven't seen in a while

I meet new people

Their baby is fucking adorable

and I get an awesome Hitler cat friend

oh yeah and Cody has cool pants and is cute...

i think i'll be happy
Are skull cats the cure to head pidgeons?