New things!
New camera lens! It's the greatest! Way too expensive but still very cool.

New Turtle!!! his name is Tortellini. or Tortimer Von Frankenstein. he's a baby hermin tortoise.

Chase got his Medi Card! Yay for medical grade Marijuana!!!

New Puppy!!!!! His Name is Cozmo and he is very cute!!!

And new classes. Fun stuff. My Astronomy teacher is very cute. yay!
New camera lens! It's the greatest! Way too expensive but still very cool.

New Turtle!!! his name is Tortellini. or Tortimer Von Frankenstein. he's a baby hermin tortoise.

Chase got his Medi Card! Yay for medical grade Marijuana!!!

New Puppy!!!!! His Name is Cozmo and he is very cute!!!

And new classes. Fun stuff. My Astronomy teacher is very cute. yay!

You'll be having lots of fun.