And the award for least diserable male goes to, me. I am apparently a hideous troll that repels the female species. I was surprised with a text message today that said," I don't want to lead you on, but I am seeing someone, we can still be friends, Oh joy. The baffeling part is that we only went out one time and I never indicated that I wanted to date her. The mere thought of dating me must be so repulsive to illicit this text after going out one time. The phrase "lets be friends" is the worst thing a girl can ever say to you, it basically means you will never be a real man in my eyes and I would rather fuck a cheese grater then you.
I love when a girl says she looks for a sense of humor in a guy, what really should be said is that I love a funny guy if that humor is good looking with abs.
if being a hard worker with a decent job and being a good guy is not a catch than I say eat a bag of dicks have fun with that