When will the snow stop?
I was so happy to see that douche bag Michael Phelps fuck up again, what an asshole, he is famous and well liked by America and he gets caught balzing a joinnt, and also have a DWI, can someone say Americas golden boy is just a fuck up.
Be happy you have a job the economy is in the shitter and we will see if our silver tounged president makes good on his astounding pile of political rehetoric and bullshit, get to work and stop worrying about being a rock star in the eyes of celebrities. Rebuild the economy, stop war and bail out the rest of America who is not working, gald I only have to worry about waking up in the morning and which television show to record on my DVR.
I am going to be 28 yeras old this year, where has the time gone, and to most I must seem like a failure, no girlfriend, not married and no kids on thje way, Fuck you, I like my life and have fun going on trips and spending my money on me and seeing and doing things that the previously mentioned would inhibit, however a girlfriend would be a welcomed addition to my Saturday nights of falling asleep on the couch.
In a final closing statement go see the Wrestler and support Mickey Rourke, this man does not give a fuck and is all the more cool for it
I was so happy to see that douche bag Michael Phelps fuck up again, what an asshole, he is famous and well liked by America and he gets caught balzing a joinnt, and also have a DWI, can someone say Americas golden boy is just a fuck up.
Be happy you have a job the economy is in the shitter and we will see if our silver tounged president makes good on his astounding pile of political rehetoric and bullshit, get to work and stop worrying about being a rock star in the eyes of celebrities. Rebuild the economy, stop war and bail out the rest of America who is not working, gald I only have to worry about waking up in the morning and which television show to record on my DVR.
I am going to be 28 yeras old this year, where has the time gone, and to most I must seem like a failure, no girlfriend, not married and no kids on thje way, Fuck you, I like my life and have fun going on trips and spending my money on me and seeing and doing things that the previously mentioned would inhibit, however a girlfriend would be a welcomed addition to my Saturday nights of falling asleep on the couch.
In a final closing statement go see the Wrestler and support Mickey Rourke, this man does not give a fuck and is all the more cool for it
I really really wanted to like Bijou Philips, toothless.