Apparently I am to offensive on this web site because I got banned from displaying comments on peoples sets for three months. I find it ironic that a sight that is suppose to embody a punk rock attitude would censor a member, but I guess this site has the punk cred of an Avirl lavigne. I actually met her once and she was a douch. Anyway leaving an endearing comment like Meaty Vag must be frowned upon by the powers that be. I thought I was being sweet. I think all the sets for the most part are very well done and the women that pose are very attractive. I would especially like to say that Alexis is stunning and Casper as well. Anyway, I thought this rebel would need to do his thing. If I am a rebel than you might need a new definition of the word. My level of disapointment is growing daily with people, glad to see this could add to the pile. I have come to the conclusion that nothing is permanent and friends will leave you no matter how long you have known them, if they are getting laid. A women should be president because pussy is the ultimate superpower. It causes fights,creates amnesia, and destroys the human spirit. Goodnight Captain Skinboat. If anyone knows this reference you are highly regarded in my thoughts
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Well my self esteem is at a all time low today, I can't even give awa… -
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Tuesday Feb 03, 2009
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Saturday Dec 27, 2008
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Saturday Dec 06, 2008
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Friday Apr 04, 2008
I wrote this, if you read this let me know what you think Good D…