ay caramba! yeah, today totally sucked. i didn't get my check & my lawyer decided not give me back any of my retainer. $1700 goes POOF! fuck. my car went dead in the middle of driving through Northport & the starter has been fucked up for over a month. geez. i guess i can't ignore it anymore. i found out that my car insurance payment is due next month ($170) & child support from Gabriel is unlikely because he is just starting his new job Wed. money needs to start falling from the sky or growing from one of my trees with a quickness. i hate it. so, now i can't move Monday like i had planned because i'm BROKE. i don't even know how i am going to pay my bills next month. ooooooh yeah, and on top of everything, i have a freakin' rash on my stomach that i guess occurred due to an allergic reaction to Tabasco sauce (that i didn't even know i was allergic to). fuck fuck fuck...annoyed as fuck.
Get a hug!