insomnia...again. how annoying. so very annoying. i look to the aqua teens for solace. soothe me, master shake. okay, i'm delirious. i was playing with my cell phone earlier, spinning it around on my finger with the carabiner. that rhymed. it flew off my finger & hit me in the head. i think it might leave a mark. it hit me pretty hard...hard enough that i accidentally turned of my house phone with my face...i really did laugh my ass off. i briefly considered rolling on the floor, but it didn't seem necessary. this is my most pointless blog ever. i am so proud. i wish i had somehow videotaped the cell phone incident, but alas, i didn't foresee the hilarity. and now only i will ever know the joy i felt after i beaned myself in the head with my cell phone at high speed. what the fuck is wrong with me? i must have knocked the little bit of sense that was left in me right out. only i would blog about this. hide my shame? never!


I'm better - found a real life pic!!!
