The night before New Year's Megann and I met up with our friend Justin, who bartends at a hotel near us.

I love free, neon green drinks.
New Year's was amazing. No drama, no dumbasses at the bar - nothing to distract me from my wonderfully inebriated and happy state. (Although, I will admit, I wore an invisible judging hat and mocked everyone around me, besides my friends. I really think I loathe most people.)
Pre-going-out-but-already-drunk-bathroom-pictures commence:


Megann at the bar, enjoying the free space until the boys returned from smoking.

Chase and I.

Got a few unwanted texts at the bar. One from a good friend of mine who seems to be rather infatuated with me, despite being one of Chase's great friends.
Another from a guy who's just a plain asshole, and is very close to one of my ex's.
Am I just a magnet for guys who are willing to break the guy code and betray their friends? Interesting talent.
So, all in all, I had a great night, and slept enough yesterday so that I didn't feel all that shitty.
How was everyone's New Year's?
Is it just me, or would this (besides the pizza... cat ass is not appealing) have been an amazing end to NYE? I get crazyhungry drunk.

And all I really have left to say is... Bring it, 2011.

I love free, neon green drinks.

New Year's was amazing. No drama, no dumbasses at the bar - nothing to distract me from my wonderfully inebriated and happy state. (Although, I will admit, I wore an invisible judging hat and mocked everyone around me, besides my friends. I really think I loathe most people.)
Pre-going-out-but-already-drunk-bathroom-pictures commence:


Megann at the bar, enjoying the free space until the boys returned from smoking.

Chase and I.

Got a few unwanted texts at the bar. One from a good friend of mine who seems to be rather infatuated with me, despite being one of Chase's great friends.
Another from a guy who's just a plain asshole, and is very close to one of my ex's.
Am I just a magnet for guys who are willing to break the guy code and betray their friends? Interesting talent.
So, all in all, I had a great night, and slept enough yesterday so that I didn't feel all that shitty.
How was everyone's New Year's?
Is it just me, or would this (besides the pizza... cat ass is not appealing) have been an amazing end to NYE? I get crazyhungry drunk.

And all I really have left to say is... Bring it, 2011.
happy new year!
I freakin love to do a set together!!!!