Disclaimer: This is a about a lucid dream and real life in my attempts of trying to understand it or the occurrence of what I'm about to tell you. Just letting you know.

I'm just going to dive right into this one.
I am in a giant hall (not as in hallway but like in a palace..except its not in a palace) and there are...
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(I'm typing this blog with one hand while I have a plate of salmon and rice in the other hand in some apparent rush to finish this before 11 so I can go to sleep. Gee, thats a wise idea, eating right before going to bed. Meanwhile I've got some Isis playing in my head and some old school Kraftwerk (I'm talking 'Ralf und Florian"...
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I don't have much to say. except that I'm happy that it's a new year. Better start it right
with a little IRON MAIDEN

cheers biggrin
Was it just my computer or some random scheme in time and space that caused me to go to godsgirls.com when I totally typed in suicidegirls?
has this happened to anyone else? Or did I just somehow type it in without even knowing it? which would be surprising to say considering I don't really much of it, and it doesn't really land near the same...
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I don't know which one is sexier?

this girl from the Target commercials

or Flo the Progressive girl
I was very excited to buy new pens today. (betcha don't hear that very often). But a dream journal is just pieces of paper in a book if you don't have a pen or a -cil. Despite not being able to remember my dreams the past few nights. the next step would be to interpret these dreams. but they could have likie a thousand meanings...
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yeeeezzzzir! smile how are youuuu dearydoo?
I am doing okay!! I think i made it through my little rough patch and hopefully it will be smooth sailing for a week or two harharhar but ya know.... i have bad luck! But I must make my own luck.... or steal it from the leprechauns. smilesmile
I saw this documentary over the weekend.

it was pretty good despite missing the first 30 or so minutes of it due to the fucking game day traffic that I had to drive through. and so of course when I got in, I could not find a single seat in the house but I was out of breath and so I just decided to plop...
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if you can think of a better song to listen to while watching the rain falling outside from your window, than I'd certainly like to hear it

biggrin good times....I could use a cup of coffee right about now.

well it's time for me to let that crazy ferret weasel out of its cage... bok
I am currently composing a piece of music inspired by the Russian animation movie short: "Hedgehog in the Fog"