Don't put yourself too low, right?
It's been a crazy week, I promise I'll email you back as soon as I get a second on my own computer.
House hunting is breaking my little soul but I'll keep searching. Getting paid nothing for constantly, difficult work is also making my soul a little itchy. I real lost my shit this weekend. I've got a promising label waiting for me to give them the go-ahead over in Chicago. Do I drop this whole thing I've set up here and go do that? Despite the terrible lack of substantial income right now, I've gotten several signs from the universe that there's something right about what I'm doing for the world. Then again, are the record labels that I have the rare opportunity to be working with also a sign? Am I supposed to meet half way?
Ok, back to work. Swing, write, sing, swing, write.
Have a great day you wonderful and strange friends of mine.
is that fapping hi hear? 

Stay inspired and try to enjoy the path the universe is sending you.....IT sounds like you have options and that's better than stagnation. I think i may have read this in a fortune cookie.....BTW, nice pic..