These are a few of my favorite sounds:
- Wind Chimes
- baby kitten meow
- Filling the watering can
- Tap shoes on wooden floor
- Coin dropping on the sidewalk
- Lighter being lit
- Baby yawning
- Marbles heated up in the frying pan
- Dandylion being picked.
Once, before animals or friends came along, I had a wonderful pet plant who was my absolute everything:
I was in love with a woman who had been dead for a very long time:
(This wasn't the first time such an instance has occured, either.)
I didn't mind living in hell.
I was some kind of pirate or something. That's what all the tattoos are about I think.
I became obsessed with vintage porno.
I started modeling...
Fast forard six years and here we are.
So, what's your favorite sound?
wind rushing past my car windows
children laughing at play
leaves rustling in autumm, as you walk
that I'm just coming sound (and the just f d look after which may as well be a sound)
the sounds of silence away from the citi