Say, are you on Zivity? I have several sets on there as of recent, that I'd love to show you...
You can sign up for a free site trial to see them, if you aren't on there already.
Hold Fast
Sin with Me
Candy Overdose
My Shadow is my Graffiti
And then there's my old set here on SG.
Oh yea, and another on here, due in MR March 9th. Shot by Viking with help from Auriga in my real life actual living room
You can sign up for a free site trial to see them, if you aren't on there already.
Hold Fast
Sin with Me
Candy Overdose
My Shadow is my Graffiti
And then there's my old set here on SG.
Oh yea, and another on here, due in MR March 9th. Shot by Viking with help from Auriga in my real life actual living room

Its up
and im so nervous still

gracias hermosa