I tried to take a photo for you al, but it's coming out really dark. You'll see it soon enough.
Oh yes, and here are some more from my good friend MetroGlamour
He's a darling, good friend. .
I'm in good spirits; working hard and making enough money to keep my head above the water. Being successfully self-sufficient makes me less bitter towards those who I so envy, who have parents, who pay for them to exist, and who have never had to endure involuntary homelessness, or the embarrassment of getting meals from the local food bank in the basement of a church you'd never gone to, being Jewish...
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that doing well and (maybe?) moving up in life, entirely independently, makes me feel- (proud of myself). I am not homeless. I am not addicted to heavy drugs. I am doing well in school. I am making money. I am in love with my accordion, and my cat. Though it has been a slow, three year climb, I AM getting better at modeling.
Things aren't perfect; nor are they dire. It can be a good day today.