i'm applying to work at the post office. please cross your fingers for me, homiez.
it pays an assload more than i currently make, and my coworkers would be much more professional than the asshats i currently tolerate...i'd get full government benefits...maybe i could go back to school...and i hear they don't care what you look like. definite plus.
i'm getting tired of the gay...
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it pays an assload more than i currently make, and my coworkers would be much more professional than the asshats i currently tolerate...i'd get full government benefits...maybe i could go back to school...and i hear they don't care what you look like. definite plus.
i'm getting tired of the gay...
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we went to kennewick today to take care of some stuff. i madea n appointment for my tattoo. looks like it'll be the 24th. cool.
we went to a depressing chinese buffet. mediocre food, lackadaisical staff, a large tv displaying the asian equivalent of the grand ole opry...it was...depressing.
hollie and amanda went with us. that part was certainly fun. then we came home and...
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we went to a depressing chinese buffet. mediocre food, lackadaisical staff, a large tv displaying the asian equivalent of the grand ole opry...it was...depressing.
hollie and amanda went with us. that part was certainly fun. then we came home and...
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Why the hell would anyone knowingly submit themselves to a visit here? I guess it's different though when you don't live here and grow to hate every aspect of this hole...... So where you getting your ink done at?
Monarch is the best we got here.... Do you know what your getting?..... OH! and Happy love day!!!

news flash: my boss is a dick. oh, wait...everyone knew that already. how about 'news flash: my boss did yet another shitty thing last night to prove just how much of a dick he is'?
yeah, i think that works. anyways, i won't go into detail here. i just want it to be known how much i dislike him.
frank and i are both off...
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yeah, i think that works. anyways, i won't go into detail here. i just want it to be known how much i dislike him.
frank and i are both off...
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Here Here To SHITTY MANAGERS!!!!!!!! I can and will slash tires if need be, just give the word!!
OOoo, free bubbly is always a plus.... especially with someone to share it with.... Damn, I'm jealous... Where's my piece of ass!?
HAHAHA! nice storie BTW. Nakkie pics just hppen sometimes.

OOoo, free bubbly is always a plus.... especially with someone to share it with.... Damn, I'm jealous... Where's my piece of ass!?
HAHAHA! nice storie BTW. Nakkie pics just hppen sometimes.

i made some new plugs today. they're awesome. two-tone blue ones. i tried to upload a picture, but i don't know if it's working...
i had half a pint of godiva ice cream for breakfast. and for lunch, i had a cheese-onion kaiser roll. both excellent.
been listnening to shonen knife all day.
i finally decided what i want for my first tattoo. awesome.
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i had half a pint of godiva ice cream for breakfast. and for lunch, i had a cheese-onion kaiser roll. both excellent.
been listnening to shonen knife all day.
i finally decided what i want for my first tattoo. awesome.
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Oooo First Ink huh? Exciting! Even more so then Cheese onion Kaiser Rolls
So what did you decide on? You need to get those pics up....

So what did you decide on? You need to get those pics up....

Hey you said you were like 30 miles away from brit. I have no friggin clue where that is. But I'm in pullman. It sucks here but hey only a little more.
day 3 of babysitting has commenced. but not without an inexplicable, pounding headache to accompany it. lovely. waking at 7am is bad enough...doing it in genuine pain is worse.
which reminds me. i pierced my lip yesterday. so far, it's great. i got it straight, over with quickly, didn't hurt much...in fact, it hasn't hurt at all since i awoke this morning. and more importantly,...
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which reminds me. i pierced my lip yesterday. so far, it's great. i got it straight, over with quickly, didn't hurt much...in fact, it hasn't hurt at all since i awoke this morning. and more importantly,...
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You have my favoritest lip piercing...I think it looks so hawt in the center like that! Very nice.
*shriek* You like Get Fuzzy??!!
*shriek* You like Get Fuzzy??!!
i'm thinking about that lip piercing...it might happen one day.

well, check it out. i got a sg acount. after spending a good amount of time being a cheapass (and with good reason) i coughed up nine bucks for a month's subscription. so far i'm liking it. mostly i'm just trying to get a feel for the body types on the site (no pun intended, hardy har har), since i started the application process way...
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Welcome to the site. I am not sure if you know of it but this group is all about becoming a SG. You might want to check it out.
SG Hopefuls

SG Hopefuls
Another journal just makes you more prolific. Prolific is sexy, is it not? This coming from a guy who just leafed through some rather wordy journals written in the mid-90s but who updates his SG journal twice a month now. But i digress... welcome