woke up this morning with a plan to get all the boring stuff done but after 5 mins i got bored so mouched about instead and made a new plan to do all the boring stuff after i got back from lunch with a mate.
His missus is six months pregnant and it hasnt been easy on her,ive got quite good at thinking before i...
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was very proactive today,left home early and took a ride to my tattoo artist,was hoping to muscle a gap before work but alas he was rammed out with appointments..so ive booked my self a slot and my knuckles shall be done and also im going to have my shin/knee cap finished.So to all the beautiful ladies with their sexy tattoo's thanks for sharingbiggrin
But that...
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My master plan to look too dumb to know anything failed today,work was just a constant stream of people asking me questions like i was the font of all knowledgeeeek,ive spent years honing this look but it must be getting old....im thinking knuckle tattoo's should solve it
Life can kick you in the nuts hard without a warning sometimes.Got a call from my old man this morning,"hi son,just been to the hospital and it seems i have prostate cancer",fucking ouch is all i can say.
That one sentence made me realise that i am my fathers son cos in an instant i knew my big sister and little bro would take it...
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First day back at work after a few days off,it wasnt too bad being sunday or not finishing till past midnight but for some reason i forgot that its quite nippy outside at night now.I jumped on the bike when i left for work this afternoon with my leather,a pair of summer gloves and work trousers thinking how warm it was and what a nice...
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