right,fed up of depressing yesterday post so gonna change it
firstly i cant be bothered to worry about what might happen as doing so wont change it,nothings happened yet and i might as well enjoy that and hope it continues...if it doesnt,well "reap what you sow" comes to mind,bit dumb i forgot that considering its tattooed on me.
Xmas stuff...just got back from food shopping,im cooking the family dinner this year cos my nan has just had a knee replacement so walking and standing far or long is off.Dont know why i said i'd do it and ive never done it before but it isnt that hard...is it?,any tips or advice will be warmly welcome
.Apart from that ive stayed true to form and havent brought any gifts yet,i'll wait for the last possible moment which will be thursday.It would normally be Xmas eve but ive got to go see the big sis's family in Wales fri/sat as the bro inlaw is chief god botherer so has to work....also any tips as to what to buy a nearlly 3 y/o girl will be very warmly welcomed
Hows everyone else set?,are you last minute merchants like me or did you have the presents wrapped in November
take care all
firstly i cant be bothered to worry about what might happen as doing so wont change it,nothings happened yet and i might as well enjoy that and hope it continues...if it doesnt,well "reap what you sow" comes to mind,bit dumb i forgot that considering its tattooed on me.
Xmas stuff...just got back from food shopping,im cooking the family dinner this year cos my nan has just had a knee replacement so walking and standing far or long is off.Dont know why i said i'd do it and ive never done it before but it isnt that hard...is it?,any tips or advice will be warmly welcome

Hows everyone else set?,are you last minute merchants like me or did you have the presents wrapped in November

take care all

The average is about $10 per mile over the limit you got caught at. Plus about $30 for the privilege of attending traffic school, then $60 for traffic school.
thats neat you have reap what you sow tattooed on you. i have what goes around comes around tattooed on my left arm