slightly deep one tonight i think..which is rare for me as i normally aspire to be a cave troll,they always seem to be happy,swinging their club at dwarfs and not asking why....its just what they do
Here goes then,being a bald tattoo'ed bloke with a very low brow accent ive gotten used to being sterotyped...more so by other brits then by the rest of the world,its always made me laugh as people use their narrowminded veiws to judge me rather then just ask..ive had all the skinhead racist finger pointing,football thug cross the street and hold your stuff tightly to you and quicken your pace look backs,dirty biker might slash your tire stares,dumbarse who probably needs to take off his shoes to count over ten etc etc.And all the above have made me laugh cos im the complete opposite which if they'd asked they would know.....and i also felt abit smug cos "I DONT DO THAT" to other people....BUT today i realised i actully do.I hear a posh accent and without any proof just asume the person is a stuck up double barrelled surnamed rich kid that hasnt had to support themselves in anything and if given the chance will try to bore me with tales of their gap year.I was shocked by it too...its not fair to do that to someone so have decided to make an effort and not do that anymore,starting from now...when you get down to it we're all the same
QUESTION: we all sterotype so who do you do it too?and why?
Other news,tommorrow i get my rib tat started which will be a zombie v's a shark in full colour!,the last time i had a coulour tat was when i was 17 so this is really exciting..OK OK i know its not deep and meaningful but i just love the scene from zombie 2,its also big and'll take 15/18 hours to be finished.Outline tommorrow so whish me luck...imthe worlds biggest baby when it comes to pain
take care all

Here goes then,being a bald tattoo'ed bloke with a very low brow accent ive gotten used to being sterotyped...more so by other brits then by the rest of the world,its always made me laugh as people use their narrowminded veiws to judge me rather then just ask..ive had all the skinhead racist finger pointing,football thug cross the street and hold your stuff tightly to you and quicken your pace look backs,dirty biker might slash your tire stares,dumbarse who probably needs to take off his shoes to count over ten etc etc.And all the above have made me laugh cos im the complete opposite which if they'd asked they would know.....and i also felt abit smug cos "I DONT DO THAT" to other people....BUT today i realised i actully do.I hear a posh accent and without any proof just asume the person is a stuck up double barrelled surnamed rich kid that hasnt had to support themselves in anything and if given the chance will try to bore me with tales of their gap year.I was shocked by it too...its not fair to do that to someone so have decided to make an effort and not do that anymore,starting from now...when you get down to it we're all the same

QUESTION: we all sterotype so who do you do it too?and why?
Other news,tommorrow i get my rib tat started which will be a zombie v's a shark in full colour!,the last time i had a coulour tat was when i was 17 so this is really exciting..OK OK i know its not deep and meaningful but i just love the scene from zombie 2,its also big and'll take 15/18 hours to be finished.Outline tommorrow so whish me luck...imthe worlds biggest baby when it comes to pain
take care all

haha, thank you! ) x

Zombie vs Shark!? HAHAHA, awesome!