something quite cool happened today,a complete stranger brought me a coffee
,since im on stupidly early oclock shift this week ive been hammering caffine down my gob to stay awake and was at a coffee stand about to top my levels up when the woman behind me says "make that two" and buys it for me.Cue blad bloke looking completely confused "what?,really?,wow..cheers!",im not used to this as people normally tighten the grip they have on thier belongings when they see me..not enabling my caffine addiction.After me doing the Hugh Grant thank you waffle i asked why and she said that she was having a shit day and thought it'd boost her karma...doing the same job tommorrow so will keep an eye out for her as i want to return the favour!

What or has a complete stranger ever done anything nice for you?

What or has a complete stranger ever done anything nice for you?

My darling BF bought and mailed me some awesome stuff for my birthday, I smiled SO hard that I came on here and bought some people some stuff from their wishlists... Just hoping that they would smile even half as much as he'd made me smile...

aww thanks.