this has fuck all to do about race,it has fuck all to do with the shooting of a suspected gangster and it makes me sick to the pit of my stomach...on my way home from work i had bricks hurled at me by teenagers and children..yes fucking children!,i live in Croydon not Somalia.
The pubs i liked to drink in have been looted or burned,the shops have been looted,the massive fire is 10 mins from my front door and for what?..for fucking what?
It isnt about colour,ive seen black,white,yellow,tan..its about destruction for fun,destruction for laughs........and its kids that are doing it.Theyve cost poeple their homes,jobs and even their local services cos we will have to pay for it and the piggy bank was empty before the lastest financial meltdown.
A friend of mine was working in the centre of the town and she asked me to come get her because she was too scared to leave,i'd already parked the motorbike at my old mans cos of the earlier brick shower so i walked to her,on our way out of the centre a fucking kid,cant have been more than 15 tried to steal her handbag.........ive never hit someone that young and even now i feel dirty for it..
Its just fucked up

The pubs i liked to drink in have been looted or burned,the shops have been looted,the massive fire is 10 mins from my front door and for what?..for fucking what?
It isnt about colour,ive seen black,white,yellow,tan..its about destruction for fun,destruction for laughs........and its kids that are doing it.Theyve cost poeple their homes,jobs and even their local services cos we will have to pay for it and the piggy bank was empty before the lastest financial meltdown.
A friend of mine was working in the centre of the town and she asked me to come get her because she was too scared to leave,i'd already parked the motorbike at my old mans cos of the earlier brick shower so i walked to her,on our way out of the centre a fucking kid,cant have been more than 15 tried to steal her handbag.........ive never hit someone that young and even now i feel dirty for it..
Its just fucked up

Jesus.. I hope you are okay, it's just completely crazy what's going on over there
I was getting flashbacks to Belfast 20 years ago watching the news last night. in fact it was worse then belfast ever was. need the water cannons at least.