had the last couple of days off so with the weather being on the warm and not wet side ive been abusing the new tryes and front brakes of the bike.Yesterday i went to Paris which was a really nice ride...i know its only a ferry ride to France but it always looks SO different to blighty and it always brings up the random thoughts that someone from an island nation finds so confusing about mainland europe,like if where you live is right on the border of two countries do you speak both languages or take more pride in speaking the language of your side
I should also have taken some pics but most would have just been of petrol stations or the veiw from the petrol station..or me sitting on a kerb near a petrol station drinking coffee and having a smoke.I also find that the veiw you really wanna take a pic of is a glimpse as you ride along,a one off moment that you wish you could share but can only attempt to describe and always fail woefully.Mouched about Paris for about 3 hours then rode back to the channel and home.Im think next day off i'll ride to dam next......if im honest its less about where i go and more about getting there,i know backwards right

I should also have taken some pics but most would have just been of petrol stations or the veiw from the petrol station..or me sitting on a kerb near a petrol station drinking coffee and having a smoke.I also find that the veiw you really wanna take a pic of is a glimpse as you ride along,a one off moment that you wish you could share but can only attempt to describe and always fail woefully.Mouched about Paris for about 3 hours then rode back to the channel and home.Im think next day off i'll ride to dam next......if im honest its less about where i go and more about getting there,i know backwards right