I think i have a few more days before i need to re-activate my account... ah gotta love freebies, and boobies, and ass shots, and pretty girls with tattoos maybe i should renew... if im always talking to myself then...mmm nah.
What is going on party people, its hump day, saw the Mexico vs. Spain game with some friends, man that game sucked! what a waste of money for those that paid to be there, Mexico never had a chance.... its one of those how can we both come out looking good, oh how about a tie!...ass holes. but at least we smoked a few bowls... Read More
so this is the 2nd time someone re-news my account for 3-months, last time it was obvious suicidegirls gave away free 3-months... i wonder if it the same this time, put it this way, im down to use this site but im still not gonna pay for it! haha
Recoding a new demo with the RizLAs... so far so good but we have a lot of work ahead of us, all we have is a lap top, running into a mixer that runs into a feedback condenser that goes into a usb port, and we use magix music or sound forge... so far it sounds clear, we set up the drums with 4 mics... Read More
Last nights show went down, we had some problems getting there and managing time but it worked out, i honestly thought no one will show since it was horrible weather, but we still had a packed bar!, good times wherr had! and it was all worth it!, unloading and packing up in the rain really sucked though, next time the weather is that bad, were... Read More
Wednesday you eventful bastard, i was suppose to go to San Pedro and pass out fliers for Fridays show, but then last night I remembered its my Mom's Bday, i feel like such and ass ALMOST forgetting, so i ditched my band and ima go buy her a cake, having my brothers and sisters come over tonight, i think a wii session is in order... Read More
Tornado's in Long Beach? wow.... I hope it stops raining by Friday, I have an outdoor show to play. It be a bummer if it gets canceled. So what are my "friends" up to? as for me i gotta get ready for work, damn im craving McMufffins, Ima make some homemade ones... except we don't have sausage, damn. awe well ham it is...