Say hello to my new pet!

I have nice socks no ?!

It's a doe and I found her in the forest.
More exactly t's hunters who found her, and they wanted to throw the bones in the trash!!
I didn't want them to do that so I decided to bring her with me at home...
And now this is what my home sweet home looks like!

And if you wanna look what I look like (cuz' it's been a whi I haven't posted any pics..) here is a rescent one of my "little" brother ad me at my parent's house.
PS: life is so beautiful... I am so happy.. Single but def so happy.
I never felt that good before.
I really found peace...
I'll explain you later.
Pour mon tattoo on a du mettre 6h environ, et en dessus du crne il y aura une chouette effraie pose, ensuite sur l'avant bras un crne de lynx avec des plumes qui voltigent un peu partout l autour