hello sg fanz, and ladies....i had a hiatus.....traveling and such! Saw some crazy things, met some equally as crazy people, and as usual, had an EFFING blast. i'm off to Cabo on the 19th for a fishing trip,,,,,,,yellow tail baby!!!!!! I finally opened my art gallery in Denver, where I live. it is thriving, and I'm actually selling a lot of pieces!!!!!!! Now that I'm grounded again, I hope to be on the site more, catching up with old friends, making new ones, and oggling pretty ladies
Also, the next set will focus on art, both my own body art, and my painting......acryllic and tattoos anyone? So today was colder than Palin's smile, and I coped by enjoying comfort food: Noodle's n Company mac n cheese, and fudge brownies with cream cheese frosting.
love you all, lovers, haters, and maturbaters.......Lotyss

love you all, lovers, haters, and maturbaters.......Lotyss
Awesome set!!!
Hope you're doing well.