So I have a situation. I met this guy about a year and a half ago in Baltimore at a pop punk show. He is close with my ex-boyfriend/friends band that was playing at the show and afterwards he drummed on tour with them. I started following him on Instagram for some reason or other and we both started liking and commenting on each other's pictures. I never really thought of it as anything, just social media at its best. But recently I struck up a conversation with him and we exchanged numbers. I have been texting him for about a week now and we have FaceTimed a bit when we both have time. I really enjoy talking to him and I definitely am crushing on him. He's got the most amazing smile and eyes I have ever found on a man and we have a lot in common in how we see the world and what we want out of it. The only problem is, he lives in Colorado and I live in California. I have never been one to care about distance because I think liking someone and wanting time with them is a raw feeling that distance shouldn't change. I have the opportunity to fly out to Colorado mid October for about a week to see him and get away from work for a bit. He's made it clear that a visit from me is something he is interested in as well. However, like I said, we have only been talking for about a week. But if i wait, the tickets might get too expensive for me to afford. Plus in the past, I have liked a guy in theory. As in, we have talked and video-chatted and he was awesome on screen and on paper but in person he wasn't the one for me and I wasted a lot of my time and emotion on someone who only cared about me when he felt lonely. So, my anxiety is telling me that the sooner I spend physical time with this man, the sooner I can figure out how much time and energy I should be spending on him when I get home. With all that said, what is your opinion?
I agree! You'll never know until you go, but you have to have real expectations and just take the trip for whatever it is. Don't go with false hopes, just let whatever happens happen, and focus on having a great vacation in Colorado! And if things go amazing, you can be pleasantly surprised... If they crash and burn, you just go back to California and chalk it up to life experiences.
If you don't go you will never know so GO ! And like you say it will be good for you to get away from work anyway.