chee, you go out on a Sunday on a errand at Officemax and you end up getting sideswipped by some yuppie in an SUV who thinks it's ok to make a right hand turn from the center lane... and then he TRIES to tell you that you were passing him in a right turn only lane... sorry buster, that is not a right turn only lane on Damen at Webster... that's where Damen becomes two lanes inbetween Webster and Diversey as to facilitate the flow of traffic at that monster intersection. So when I got in that right hand lane to pass traffic and get in the correct lane I should be in when I make my right turn ahead at Fullerton, and you decided that you needed to make a right turn at Webster from the center lane, turning your signal on at the last possible moment (you didn't have it on before hand, I'm not that stupid of a driver to pass someone on the right when they are making a right turn, and if I remember correctly, you should have the signal on at least 100 feet BEFORE the intersection), thusly turning into me and denting my rear passenger door, you were being a bad driver. And since it was at the rear, it shows that I was already past you when you started your turn.
So unless the laws have changed, I believe it is still illegal to make a right hand turn from the center lane when there is a right hand lane to make that turn from. I also hate how people think that a turn signal should only be used while you are turning. The signal is to be used BEFORE you turn. Of course I know you are turning WHEN you are turning, but the signal is to be used to announce your intentions to turn, not that the car is actually doing it. If that was the case then it would be automatic, dumbfucks.
Everyone is ok. They had a couple kids in the car, but we were more shaken then them
So, the tally is this - 200k+ miles driven since I was 16. Most of them while stoned. But I don't drive drunk. The only accident that was my fault was when I was sober way back in highschool. Rear ended a car in a construction zone, didn't notice they had stopped.
Today I didn't smoke anything, although I'm about to.
No DUI's or DWI's (I did come awfully close one time though near Fort Sheridan!), no moving violations outside of talking on my cellphone (!).
Gotta phone insurance company and do other stuff. Take my car in to get the dent fixed. It ain't horrible. The doors structure seems sound, and the body only has a slight dent to it. Hopefully shouldn't be too costly, and even might be able to get his insurance to pay for it.
off to watch some more MST. and do some drawing. Thank gods that I am already planning on using my bike this week instead of my car.
So unless the laws have changed, I believe it is still illegal to make a right hand turn from the center lane when there is a right hand lane to make that turn from. I also hate how people think that a turn signal should only be used while you are turning. The signal is to be used BEFORE you turn. Of course I know you are turning WHEN you are turning, but the signal is to be used to announce your intentions to turn, not that the car is actually doing it. If that was the case then it would be automatic, dumbfucks.
Everyone is ok. They had a couple kids in the car, but we were more shaken then them
So, the tally is this - 200k+ miles driven since I was 16. Most of them while stoned. But I don't drive drunk. The only accident that was my fault was when I was sober way back in highschool. Rear ended a car in a construction zone, didn't notice they had stopped.
Today I didn't smoke anything, although I'm about to.
No DUI's or DWI's (I did come awfully close one time though near Fort Sheridan!), no moving violations outside of talking on my cellphone (!).
Gotta phone insurance company and do other stuff. Take my car in to get the dent fixed. It ain't horrible. The doors structure seems sound, and the body only has a slight dent to it. Hopefully shouldn't be too costly, and even might be able to get his insurance to pay for it.
off to watch some more MST. and do some drawing. Thank gods that I am already planning on using my bike this week instead of my car.
You called the police, right? Because the police report will CLEARLY state to both insurance companies that the other driver is an igorant douche and is completely at fault.
guess the drivers in chicago are just as bad as new york. i wish people would realize that by driving like an asshole, they are endangering the lives of everyone around them. i don't know how some people can have such a casual disregard for life.