BUT the good news is that my friend toastytoast might be moving in with me and my brother. i miss him so much, toasty toast is one of my best friends EVER. itll be nice to have someone to enjoy the randomness of life with. AND ill be living with my two favorite men in the whole world. so i win. now if i could just kidnap elijha wood....*sigh* i want to lock him in a cage...poke him with a stick and feed him cookies!
ive been reading alot for the last few days...."suffer the children" i think its by john saul? i havnt been able to put it down, its so....DISTURBING! i definatly recomend it. hes no stephen king for sure...a bit dry for my taste...but....the book rocks face dispite that. i need to get "cell" by stephen king soon, im itching for a new stephen king book....what ever happened to him going into retirement? i thought he wasnt writing anymore?? fucking wanker....i was so upset when i heard that...and hes still writing. ANYHOW im off to whine at my brother and read some more....maybe i can get him to make me soup.
Good night angel. *Hugs*