know what's lame? your toilet overflowing minutes before your first class of the semester. then you're late for class and have to tell your professor why. then you can go home and clean it up and call a plumber. ewwwwwwwww.
check out the video that moMNtum made of our annual boxing day road trip to duluth, mn:

duluth trip

also, fuck i'm hung over from new years. in better news, i didn't have to buy any drinks at the bar last night because
between my friends and i we snuck twelve beers and a bottle of andres into the bar. i ended up walking home...
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I love it when you fail to realize that you're underdressed in front of people's younger brothers. That happens more often than one would think.

Or, I mean, it's happened to me at least once.

When do you go back? We still need to hang out.
I did my fair share of walking New Years morn ... no snow for me to fall in though.
this is what i'm getting for y'all this holiday season:



or this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-5grqhj1b8 (even if i may not have the required materials and p.s. the blonde one is justin timberlake).
ok, NOW I'm jealous!
No problem. That was why I included it, actually. No not really. It was because I had, like... no footage, and I needed something. Still, what a non-sequitir... beautiful picture of lake... slow-motion sunset... girl feeling self up under jumpsuit at Army surplus store... all the makings of a somber easy-listening music montage.


Speaking of rockin': Concert tonight at the Turf. Drink? Drunk.
fuck yea. i'm done with this semester. now i have five weeks in the twin cities. i started it out right by sleeping until 1 pm.

i also celebrated by getting faced and while going between parties i thought it'd be a sweet idea to run. that sweet idea ended when i tripped and sort of slammed my face on the pavement. now i look...
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All I want for christmas it your two front teeth.

my mom: so natural childbirth was one of the most moving experiences of my life.
my dad: what about the time we did peyote?
my mom: (gives him the death stare.)
me: ooooookay.
Heh. Do you mean the Kyrgystan bit?

Yeah, even with the business casual, I'm having fun so far. But I'm still in training, so I think maybe I'm not an authoritative source.

Yay for coming home! I work 8 to 5 but other than that I'm free. smile
haha.. thats funny as shit!

and yes.. i am very very lucky!!!
blah. last night i had 'the talk' finally with my boyfriend. he brought it up when i was pretty much blackout drunk so when i woke up the next morning we had to talk about it all over again, for three hours. it's the whole, so what are we going to do after we graduate thing. he was talking about the peace corps, and i...
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complaining about you not being bitchier? geez! I'm the opposite, my ex was a huge bitch, not all the time, but only when she was angry/hurt. This is why I dumped her.
I understand your inability to give a shit under the circumstances. Good luck all the same. I have to mention that I do not believe 'bitch' and 'assertive' are as tightly correlated as you seem to think.
once again, i'm glad i don't own the $lum (the house i rent). i think when a person takes a shower upstairs, it drains from the ceiling into my living room. hillarious.

finally all my intense training paid off in eternal glory: i ran a beer mile (6 beers in one hour, then run) last night. ('eternal glory' translates to not throwing up on myself)....
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Thanksgiving is all about the family "Awkwards"
Just try to cause more then your target of because that is what makes for a good holiday. At least in my family.
oh damn. a new set by Wendy is the best way to wake up.
How was your turkey day?
good. i spent it in wisconsin with both sides of the family. bloody mary's every morning with that crowd. i played with my new cousin (she's one) for a lot of it, and realized that (thankfully) my maternal instinct is still dormant. too much driving. i saw 22 roadkill deer and many more in the back of pickup trucks. all in all, not too bad. how was your thanksgiving?
i think my birthday can be summed up by the message i sent moMNtum:

"dude. turns out, little siblings are cools. sorry i'm face fuck the p[ube. i'm back early, but i'll drink more tonihte. hope fucke me fr very drunk and posintg. dumb ideas.. iead. love faced. "

i cannot even translate all of this.
Hell yes. Burthdayz ruelz.
going home is always a mixture of amusement/horror. i made it to the local "dance club" and ran into my ex's friends. got the ex update. turns out he had kid #2 yesterday (little girl). this makes me more worried than happy, as he's an endless alcoholic and hates the mom (they already have one boy). he also got another DUI (i think his fifth,...
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Hey! Happy birthday! kiss

I'm a little late--but only by about eight hours, right? wink