know what's awkward? when someone is a class says, "well, we're all white here so..." then looks next to him and realizes there's an asian girl sitting there looking really uncomfortable. so he just says "shit" and gives up. yea, that was awkward.

i hate knowing ahead of time when you have to pull an all night-er. this means i'll probably on here more than...
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Oh, wow. Awesome. What class was that?
"poets and their prose." it's a poetry seminar by savarese. he tried to diffuse the situation, but it still sucked. hope you're hung over from your b-day (or at least from a food binge),
found out today that my friend from nicaragua left ten days ago to cross into the u.s. illegally. that's a long fucking trek. he's already been deported once. i hope everything goes safe with him. i also don't know what he's going to do or where he's going to go when he gets here.
Let's hope that he's safe and that he doesn't get into too much trouble
school is so played out right now. to cure this i'm going to the bar tonight. and i have 8 am class tomorrow. and class all day, for that matter. there's nothing like a good long class when you smell straight up like a pub. it shows how much you care.

as i can't think of anything but school:
i gave a presentation today for...
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Drinkin on a school night?!

No accidents please...

Good luck all the same!

School's dumb. Hurry up and finish so we can get drunk together.
last night i was pissing by a construction sight, while my manfriend pissed nearby (at what he called a respectful distance). two male college students walked by:
[classyboyone]: hey, write my name for me.
[my friend]: sorry, dude, i'm already done.
[classyboyone]: no, i was talking to her.

i don't know if it was mocking or if he just has a (very poorly concealed) r.kelly...
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i'm starting to feel like a boozehound. i know it's a monday night, but i'm slightly (or more so) wasted face, it's my friend's 21st bday so i had to get drunk. at least i rode a bike to the bar like a classy lady so i could get home safe and fast. fanfuckingtastic.
Dude! Did our mutual friend quit without telling me?!? What's that about?
wtf? that IS fucked up. shit must be going bad when you don't need naked ladies anymore...

p.s. i'm 98% sure going to be up there in a week for fall break. we should chill.

also, i'm looking at all this in the library. only the classy ones need a little porn break in the middle of a paper.
thank you hockey night. the night was fucking unreal, even if my ears are ringing and i have quite the hangover from the margaritas and a forty and more beers. i feel a nap in my future.

i got so drunk last night i drank from a flask that i found lying around on the porch. my friend told me this morning that it's been...
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Sounds real. Wish I could've been there. I plan on making at least one venture down, sometime this semester, but the timing's kind of shitty right now.
Yay for good concerts. smile

And drunkenness. biggrin
oh sweet baby christ, it's friday. nice. i woke up for a meeting about a paper with a professor at eight, then i went back to sleep until one. the meeting went better than expected. the last girl that met with him cried; he called me 'jellybean' instead, so i think things went well. strange, but well. i love not having class on friday. all...
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one night .. thats all. Damn you have some will power.
today was a mixture. still no paul.

i helped search two miles of highway looking for any "suspicious items" that may relate to him. i only found a large pink dildo, which at least made me smile.

time to write an outline for a paper.
I saw your post on the Iowa site. I hope everything works out for the best.

Try to take care of yourself, because stress will get you down especially this time of the year.
Thanks guys. This is a well-placed weekend. Fridays are critical, expecially when i get to see these guys in a matter of hours. a little break from work does a body good.
still no sign of paul:

The Des Moines Register Story

i'm too scared to search for some reason. maybe tomorrow i'll ante up. for now i'm frustrated at how unsure this is. it also freaks me out to see all the national guard people in military garb around campus. hopefully it helps.

we'll see. until then, we all keep going to class and doing homework...
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there's too much morbidity around me today:

there's a boy missing at my school so there were helicopters, cops, and ambulances, and people in bright orange vests combing the campus today. he's my friend's roommate and all are worried so i hope he shows up.

my grandmother sent me a letter telling me that she's had dizzy spells and memory problems. she's a member of...
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Holy fuck. eeek
oh damn, dude. that sucks you can't come down, but at least there's 10/10. sucks about william. he rocked out too hard. hopefully he was too drunk to notice how much it hurt or something. see you round.
off to my 'look at naked men lounging" class (aka life drawing).

don't think it will be too stressful.