Went to a friend's place for his birthday thingy.

Played drunk Uno.

I won.

End of line....
Me - 3

Spider - 0
Mosquito - 0
Tick - 0

Yes this was all tonight.

End of line....
80's playlist:

I Come From a Land Down Under - Men At Work
Electric Avenue - Eddy Grant
Take On Me - Ah Ha
Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran
Rio- Duran Duran
I'll Be There - Escape Club
Wild Wild West - Escape Club
I Ran - Flock of Seagulls
Heart of Rock N' Roll - Huey Lewis and the News
Safety Dance...
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I know nobody has been reading these but I don't care. I'm still going to vent.

Just checked my bank account and the unemployment deposit is half of what it should be. Not happy right now. I shouldn't jump to conclusions, it could be that my claim has run its course and I have to file for emergency benefits now, but I have a small...
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I finally finished my first movie review vlog and am pretty satisfied with how it turned out. Unfortunately I have tried to upload it to Google+ twice now without any success. It's a large file so I understand that with my crappy upload speeds it'll take a bit to get there, but it's been sitting at 100% uploaded for the past half hour without letting...
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I was trolling Google+ last night (still don't know why the link to my G+ page won't show up in my profile) and started reading some movie reviews from a fellow plusser who's in my circles. Then it hit me, why don't I do something like this? I've been wanting to do some kind of movie review blog for a while and G+ would be...
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Things are going to get difficult very soon....

I received the letter from the unemployment office today regarding the ruling on my appeal for training approval. Since I'm going back to school I was attempting to get my schooling approved so I wouldn't have to search for employment while I was attending and still draw benefits so I could keep the bills in order. That...
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Didn't think so...

End of line....
yup, I read it - just today - haven't been on this site much lately (am rebuilding my computer's RAID arrays)skull
Nice to know someone's reading. Thanks.
Haven't really done much with myself the past couple days. Just enjoying my off time before school starts again.

Watched my blu-ray copy of Silent Hill last night and reminded myself of how much I like that movie. Just found out about the sequel coming out in October so I need a refresher. There's just something fun about watching a horror movie in the dark...
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I'm feeling much better today, but still not 100%. Should be there by the weekend. I don't stay sick for very long, not more than a couple days usually. It's a power I have.

My Writing teacher let me re-submit my paper. So, as of that, I am now officially done with Summer term. What am I going to do with myself for the next...
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Feeling a bit under the weather today. Really started last night but it's gotten worse.

Summer Term is officially done! Had my math final this morning, only missed one question. I forgot to put the negative sign next to the 8, otherwise I was right. Oh well, when I pass the class with 99% the little things like that tend to bother me.

Final paper...
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