I'm 33. I'm in moderately good health.
Monday I couldn't talk for a minute.
Nothing, no words, at some point sounds. I was trying, sweet christ how I was trying, but nothing.
Then it went away. After one minute of struggling and waiting for the blinding pain and the collapse I see on TV.
I was fine.
But I went to the hospital anyhow, because that's what you're supposed to do.
Did I mention my employer dropped my insurance 2 months ago.
Anyhow, I get to the hospital, and I get moved to the top of the line. I get my vitals checked, I get examined. I think I'm going home soon.
Nope, admitted.
Now I'm slightly bitter.
MRI, EKG, EEG, echo, TEE,
now I'm home.
I have a hole in my heart that most probably caused the clot. That caused the stroke, that caused the aphasia.
At least I didn't die.
Thanks for starting in 2 months obamacare.
the end.