In this age of the internet it's hard to believe how much time we spend online. If you think about how many sites you visit every day, or multiple times a day. How much of that consumes your time? I forget that I have a blog here because I have 2 myspace accounts that I blog on and my website that I like to keep updated, then I have this account. This one seems to get neglected the most because I forget about blogging here. I think it's because I don't know how many people actually read guys blogs here, unless you use this as your main blog and you have friends on here. Which is another thing. I really should make more of an effort to meet people from this site, especially since I'm in video and who knows maybe I'll need someone for a video. Who better than a hot SG member.
I'm not shy so if you read this and would like to befriend me don't be shy......
I'm not shy so if you read this and would like to befriend me don't be shy......