Went out and ate at this little Italian restaurante called Valente's. Perfect place to take a girl for a date, its the coziest and most charming place i've ever eatin in. Makes you feel like you're at some diner in Italy. Wish a had a cute girl to take there damnitall. It always sux when you're alone and you see couples everywhere, sorta makes the gut hurt.
Watched TV for the first time in about a year, tonight. That show called fame was on. What a terrible thing. I hate seeing those people get ridiculed by those asshole judges. Some of em deserve it, but some of em dont, and they cry cause they're dreams were shatterd. Fuck that show. Then that dumb program called for love or money was on. My god....That guy they pick is one lucky bastard. I should be on that show damnit. I could pick a girl out in about 10 minutes. She'd be the wrong girl, but hell I always pick the wrong ones. All ten of them would probably be wrong. BLASPHEMY. I'd pick the one that kept to herself most of the time, the one that showed little care about the whole thing who hated the fame, and just remained calm and shy.
They should have a show where they pick 10 guys and one hot girl. I'd act like a complete dork, or just be myself, then I'd get illiminated quickly and get to keep a million bucks. I'd throw the most kick ass SG gathering ever.
Watched TV for the first time in about a year, tonight. That show called fame was on. What a terrible thing. I hate seeing those people get ridiculed by those asshole judges. Some of em deserve it, but some of em dont, and they cry cause they're dreams were shatterd. Fuck that show. Then that dumb program called for love or money was on. My god....That guy they pick is one lucky bastard. I should be on that show damnit. I could pick a girl out in about 10 minutes. She'd be the wrong girl, but hell I always pick the wrong ones. All ten of them would probably be wrong. BLASPHEMY. I'd pick the one that kept to herself most of the time, the one that showed little care about the whole thing who hated the fame, and just remained calm and shy.
They should have a show where they pick 10 guys and one hot girl. I'd act like a complete dork, or just be myself, then I'd get illiminated quickly and get to keep a million bucks. I'd throw the most kick ass SG gathering ever.
For Love or Money?...hmm...what will they think of next? The Running Man? Oh wait, Arnie already made a movie...darn!
What the hell did HAARP stand for anyway...I oughtta pick up that book: 'Angels don't play this HAARP' sometime...I hear it's real good conspiracy fodder.
Memento was very good. I love how it twisted what you thought...that nothing could be trusted. And in the end...Guy Pearce's character was the psycho....
I'm an Indian food man myself when it comes to romantic evenings. Specifically North Indian with an emphasis on vegetable and chicken dishes.
referring to an earlier post on Morrowind: I avoid the editor things because I have not much of a life as it is, and I dare not give myself something more to remove myself from the world with.
I'd actually love to make an update of Herzog Zwei and implement a few ideas of my own into it. Maybe a Javascript version if I ever decide to teach myself Java.
[Edited on Jun 10, 2003]