EDIT: And oh yes, thank you Wyoming, where the real cowboys live~!
OK, yes it is confusing for even a zealot, so let me explain where the Obama Train is. He leads in delegates and votes.
Oh and ethical and responsible behavior, relfected in his policies and his legislation.
Most states have a primary or a caucas. We know Barack can win primaries, and we know he has won all of the caucases to date.
Ohio and Rhode Island (who both went for Billary) and Vermont (Yay Barack!) had primaries this week.
But Texas had the Texas two-step and here is how that worked. They had a primary, with early open voting, and they had a caucas at night. The primary gives 2/3 of the delegates, the remaining 1/3 are allocated by the caucas.
ONLY If you voted could go to the caucas.
Barack Obama won Austin, Dallas, Houston and other urban areas, but Hillary won the rural areas.
Barack also did his own two-step and came back and won the caucas.
Right now he has 1562 delegates while she has 1461.
Wyoming has a caucas this coming Saturday and Mississippi has a primary next tuesday.
Deep Political thoughts: please share your thoughts too!
I wonder if Bill Richardson and or John Edwards will endorse Barack, and if anyone would care if they did?
It is true that she would've had substantial pressure to bow out if he even could have just won texas. This is so hard but I keep thinking abt my neighbors (barack and michelle) who have to get up every single morning, look amazing, and hit the ground running.
Hillary's voracious personal ambition is never to be underestimated and the CLinton's are like the mafia. It looked so over in Houston and their faces even suggested it.
David Axelrod is Barack's top advisor and he got Bill re-elected during the impeachment procedings. Let's see what they respond with by the end of the day.
And this is the sexiest photo you'll see on this site!
OK, yes it is confusing for even a zealot, so let me explain where the Obama Train is. He leads in delegates and votes.
Oh and ethical and responsible behavior, relfected in his policies and his legislation.
Most states have a primary or a caucas. We know Barack can win primaries, and we know he has won all of the caucases to date.
Ohio and Rhode Island (who both went for Billary) and Vermont (Yay Barack!) had primaries this week.
But Texas had the Texas two-step and here is how that worked. They had a primary, with early open voting, and they had a caucas at night. The primary gives 2/3 of the delegates, the remaining 1/3 are allocated by the caucas.
ONLY If you voted could go to the caucas.
Barack Obama won Austin, Dallas, Houston and other urban areas, but Hillary won the rural areas.
Barack also did his own two-step and came back and won the caucas.
Right now he has 1562 delegates while she has 1461.
Wyoming has a caucas this coming Saturday and Mississippi has a primary next tuesday.
Deep Political thoughts: please share your thoughts too!
I wonder if Bill Richardson and or John Edwards will endorse Barack, and if anyone would care if they did?
It is true that she would've had substantial pressure to bow out if he even could have just won texas. This is so hard but I keep thinking abt my neighbors (barack and michelle) who have to get up every single morning, look amazing, and hit the ground running.
Hillary's voracious personal ambition is never to be underestimated and the CLinton's are like the mafia. It looked so over in Houston and their faces even suggested it.
David Axelrod is Barack's top advisor and he got Bill re-elected during the impeachment procedings. Let's see what they respond with by the end of the day.
And this is the sexiest photo you'll see on this site!
Hopefully they redo the primarys in FL so my vote can count.
I wish I had high ceilings so I could hang my new toy up!