Dec. 14 2007
I can't make this stuff up. Listen to common citizens who watched the Democratic debate on FOX of all places yesterday. About 90% of them say Barack won the debate and that they are now for him.
This really might happen.
The time is now and all of that and Barack Obama is looking strong and able. Able to win, able to lead, and lead us out of these dark ages we've fallen into with our current resident idiot and the evil behind it.
I have raised cash for him. I have had a party and will be having another.
DUDES. I also got up one day at 5am and rode in a van that went 6 hours into the heart of Iowa. The van was driven by a crazy recovering speed addict who hit a deer and scared us all to death. For the ride home, you better believe this slick chick worked her stuff to get the keys from that freak so *I* could drive the 8 of us back safely.
What I saw there was utter poverty, bleak and empty, factories in the area had closed and few people were employed at a level were they could make ends meet. The area was racially integrated, and what was amazing was that of the doors we went to, NO ONE was for Hilary. I expected to hear a lot of people were undecided, or wanted Edwards. But the Iowans I met cared abt the war, taxes, health care, and how their paychecks did not enable them to make ends meet. They all said they wanted change and wanted someone who could make hard changes. They said they wanted Barack Obama.
They even let us put signs in their yards. Old white widowed ladies put signs for Barack. Young working class families with pick-up trucks in their front yards put a Barack sign next to the truck. Black families put Barakc signs in their front yards. One person had a Hilary sign. Only one.
The thing they say abt Iowans is that they are practical and want the candidate they think can win. DO they know something the rest of the US hasn't caught onto?
And Hilary has just brought out Chelsea to help. Talk abt desperation
POLITICAL GOSSIP for the 5 of you who care: At a small chi-chi venue on friday night, Barack said that Michael Bloomberg would not be his running mate, but that he would be pleased to have him in his administration. HE also said that if Hilary is the democratic nominee, Bloomberg WILL consider running as an independent!
Can we do the right thing? Can we decide not to be complacent and let teh same people keep mucking things up? Can we dare to elect change??
What do these political fools find funny? check below to see what they say when the Associated Press asks all candidates for their favorite jokes. AM I right that my main man has the only funny one?
Dec. 14 2007
I can't make this stuff up. Listen to common citizens who watched the Democratic debate on FOX of all places yesterday. About 90% of them say Barack won the debate and that they are now for him.
This really might happen.
The time is now and all of that and Barack Obama is looking strong and able. Able to win, able to lead, and lead us out of these dark ages we've fallen into with our current resident idiot and the evil behind it.
I have raised cash for him. I have had a party and will be having another.
DUDES. I also got up one day at 5am and rode in a van that went 6 hours into the heart of Iowa. The van was driven by a crazy recovering speed addict who hit a deer and scared us all to death. For the ride home, you better believe this slick chick worked her stuff to get the keys from that freak so *I* could drive the 8 of us back safely.
What I saw there was utter poverty, bleak and empty, factories in the area had closed and few people were employed at a level were they could make ends meet. The area was racially integrated, and what was amazing was that of the doors we went to, NO ONE was for Hilary. I expected to hear a lot of people were undecided, or wanted Edwards. But the Iowans I met cared abt the war, taxes, health care, and how their paychecks did not enable them to make ends meet. They all said they wanted change and wanted someone who could make hard changes. They said they wanted Barack Obama.
They even let us put signs in their yards. Old white widowed ladies put signs for Barack. Young working class families with pick-up trucks in their front yards put a Barack sign next to the truck. Black families put Barakc signs in their front yards. One person had a Hilary sign. Only one.
The thing they say abt Iowans is that they are practical and want the candidate they think can win. DO they know something the rest of the US hasn't caught onto?
And Hilary has just brought out Chelsea to help. Talk abt desperation

POLITICAL GOSSIP for the 5 of you who care: At a small chi-chi venue on friday night, Barack said that Michael Bloomberg would not be his running mate, but that he would be pleased to have him in his administration. HE also said that if Hilary is the democratic nominee, Bloomberg WILL consider running as an independent!
Can we do the right thing? Can we decide not to be complacent and let teh same people keep mucking things up? Can we dare to elect change??
What do these political fools find funny? check below to see what they say when the Associated Press asks all candidates for their favorite jokes. AM I right that my main man has the only funny one?
let's get personal for a moment, ok? Look, it is the christmas season... not everyone celebrates it and that is fine... I do from the perspective of a Pagan ritual only.
But here is my complaint: what does it take to get kissed under the mistle toe by someone other that your dad?
I've been waiting my whole damn life for that kiss....
hola. i'm skottie phaust... saying HI. word up!!
hola... saying hi again... loving yr pics... how cute are you!!!?? heh.