Another night... feh. too much thinking, not enought time. Beer. Got work tommorrow. If none of this makes since, that's ok, it's stream of thought.
Sooooo conflicted. How do you tell the one you're with that they're not what you want? Especially days before Valentine's Day and an anniversary? I am too softhearted to just do it and hurt them, but I do recognize it will only get worse. I am trapped.
And sad thing is I do know love. I have known it for a long time, but not with them. And now... circumstances... a once in a lifetime chance for the proverbial "second chance" and it truely may never come again. Can I go against everything I think, and my ethics, and bring someone pain for it? Or do I risk letting it slip by and be content that I'm the only one who will suffer? Oooooh, fuck.
Bah, too much thinking. Must stop...
Sooooo conflicted. How do you tell the one you're with that they're not what you want? Especially days before Valentine's Day and an anniversary? I am too softhearted to just do it and hurt them, but I do recognize it will only get worse. I am trapped.
And sad thing is I do know love. I have known it for a long time, but not with them. And now... circumstances... a once in a lifetime chance for the proverbial "second chance" and it truely may never come again. Can I go against everything I think, and my ethics, and bring someone pain for it? Or do I risk letting it slip by and be content that I'm the only one who will suffer? Oooooh, fuck.
Bah, too much thinking. Must stop...

NOBODY is better than MUDVAYNE and no one is more down to earth than them either