Ahhh, so if it will leave this up after I'm outta here, then you'll at least know. If you were a bud and noticed me lined throuhg or greyed out, then you know, I have (at least for the time being) closed this acct. Several of you were concerned with how I was doing over the past month or so, and to be honest...
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Lotsa stuff been going on. I'd say I'm on sabattical, but it's more like I'm on a LOA for the time being. When I get opportunity, I will let all you lil digeridoos know the whole story. Until then, hasty banana!
Well hurry back, ya big sillyhead!!!! 

your tattoo rocks! angelordevil.com, right?
HOLY BALLS! It is storming like a motherfucker! I was driving home and could barely see 10 feet in front of my car. that was some of the scariest shit I been through. ... I am still freakin. Although, lotsa lightning, so maybe I shouldn't be on the computer... yeah....
We were caught in the ABC store when the storm hit. We tried to wait it out. But we couldn't carry anymore bottles so we just made a run for it.
Now where has my junkman gotta off to?

Dentist visit today... man that sucked. I got a bad spot fixed, and they did awesome, but they screwed up a chipped tooth I had, I mean big discoloration, bad job on smoothing it... so I'm not pleased.
Otherwise, everything's all good.
Otherwise, everything's all good.
Oh damn, I hate going to the dentist with a purple passion. I've got a broken tooth that needs to be looked at someday, and I haven't had a checkup in ages... I literally feel your pain, dude.
Good to see you back, though!!

Good to see you back, though!!

So, arduous days in the heat wrap up a voyage. The trip can only be called epic, as it follows a misfortuned protagonist and ends where it begins. And quite an end. This protagonist ends by being dumped, then having his dog (who he raised from birth to age 9) die within 24 hours, and then 3 days later losing his place of residence and...
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Transworld stance????? Ive never heard of it.. so i hope to hell its not me. Does it look a lot like me?

You ever have one of those days when... you finally are back, your health is good, and then it happens. This tiny glass ball you call your world is shattered, the pieces scatter the floor, cutting into your skin as you try to walk away and hold your head up. But all you can think about is the pain, and it wracks you. The shock...
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oh man...i'm so sorry to read that
i hope your feeling better and that we get to hear from you sonner than later.
{{{{{{{{{squishy hugs}}}}}}}}}

i hope your feeling better and that we get to hear from you sonner than later.

{{{{{{{{{squishy hugs}}}}}}}}}
where have you disappeared to? don't make me come look for you.
Ok, so I'm kinda back, it's late and I work early, so I'll keep this brief. Anyways, I'll be back into the old swing of things tommorrow, (hopefully)
and... I think I have a date set up for tommorrow, which is weird (it's been a while).
On the downside, I am moving back with the 'rents sadly at the first of the month, so around...
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and... I think I have a date set up for tommorrow, which is weird (it's been a while).
On the downside, I am moving back with the 'rents sadly at the first of the month, so around...
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Getting better by lots.
Still can't exactly think.
It's 2 am, I must be at work in 5 hours.
This sucks.
(on a positive note, 4 more pics up in My Pics)
Still can't exactly think.
It's 2 am, I must be at work in 5 hours.
This sucks.
(on a positive note, 4 more pics up in My Pics)
Yer sick?? Jeez I need to visit your journal more often...
Did you see my bellydance video? There's a sword in it.....
Edited to add: In case you're scratching your head, this is RadioBastet/Bastet. Changed my username - again!
[Edited on Jun 22, 2003]

Did you see my bellydance video? There's a sword in it.....
Edited to add: In case you're scratching your head, this is RadioBastet/Bastet. Changed my username - again!

[Edited on Jun 22, 2003]
Glad you are feeling better..

well, things are getting a bit better/ I'm still sick and puny, but I'm in high spirits. when you're bed-ridden for 2 days cause of illness and can finally get up and about (albeit on meds.) you tend to get in a good mood. which means that [hopefully] i should be tip top again in a few days
get better quick!
*shakes fist*
*shakes fist*

So I'm even sicker. My throat feels like it's probably bleeding down my esophagus, and my abs and side muscles feel like i've done 600 situps in a row (from the coughing)
Oh man... I should go to a doctor, but I don't believe in doing so until they have to take you there in a stretcher. Bah, so I'm stubborn.
Oh man... I should go to a doctor, but I don't believe in doing so until they have to take you there in a stretcher. Bah, so I'm stubborn.
I really hate doctors too.
Drink tons of water and sleep as much as you can. If that doesnt help. then you are supposed to go to the doctor.
Drink tons of water and sleep as much as you can. If that doesnt help. then you are supposed to go to the doctor.
Junk no feel like talking much.
*cough cough*
I is sick. And my ribs hurt from coughing. And I need someone to take care of me...
*cough cough*
I is sick. And my ribs hurt from coughing. And I need someone to take care of me...
i cant be down one fanboy bitch..
feel better
i cant be down one fanboy bitch..
feel better

If you have the SARS i'm going to fucking kill you.
I actually feel pretty shitty today too. We should get a big blanket and sit on the couch and drink tea and watch old movies on tv.
I actually feel pretty shitty today too. We should get a big blanket and sit on the couch and drink tea and watch old movies on tv.
Everything is coming together nicely. Barring a few setbacks, I am hooking things up proper this week.
And I'm not FLAT broke and in debt this week, just broke.
And I'm not FLAT broke and in debt this week, just broke.
*jumps up and down like small child* something stacie only! woot!
best of luck with everything.