well, it's depresson time again kids. I had court last week, and my lawyer sugjested that if i fought on that day, the judge would go right to schedule B, which means the ex would get her for the rest of the summer. instead, she got sara for a month and a week, so sara can be there for her half brothers birthday. jeez. I already miss her and its only been a week.
in other news, tina and i are going to sav for the weekend of the fourth. should be fun. oh and i'm now a full fledged warcrack addict
pray for me.
in other news, tina and i are going to sav for the weekend of the fourth. should be fun. oh and i'm now a full fledged warcrack addict

Happy Holidays!

I hope everything is going great for you!... Having to deal with exes is always a pain.