the ex-wife is really starting to piss me off. i woke up at 5:30, so i could watch over sara when carol went to work at 6. ok, fine. tyler didn't leave the house till' 8. i guess he's too good to keep an ear out for any sound my child might make, or even feed her a waffle. i came back over to doug's house (my friend who i'm staying with) and his 2 kids and sara played all day together....they all had a blast. well i lay down with sara at 1:30 for her nap. at 3:30 doug wakes me up and says carol called my cell. i check the voice mail and she freaks out that sara isn't asleep in HER bed for her nap. "she wakes up grumpy if she isn't in her own enviroment. as carol says this i watch sara and dougs kids in a toddler tornado laughing their butts off. hmm....yeah, you know what you're talking about.
i call her back and listen to hysterics and tell her i'll bring sara back as soon as i can get her coat on her. we get there and carol starts backpeddling. so tomarrow, i will leave their house unlocked and return before 2 to have sara sleep there. i am witnessing carol literally trying to push me out of sara's life. here's the bullet points:
1 - apparently sara's party was held in conjunction with her uncle johnathan's birthday on friday afternoon. (i told carol in DECEMBER that i would take the time off to be here, and she has 5 other siblings, so they HAD to plan ahead for that.) i arrived friday night....thanks for the call
2 - i could not spend sunday night with sara because they were going to see great grandma wolfe.(they HAVE to tell her great grandma in alot of advance that they are coming, and i have not seen great grandma wolfe, because she KNOWS what carol did was wrong, and me seeing her will start i small riot)
well, that's it so far. still got 2 days left, so i'll fill everyone in when i have more dirt to dish out. thanks for reading.....let the bombardment begin ----->
i call her back and listen to hysterics and tell her i'll bring sara back as soon as i can get her coat on her. we get there and carol starts backpeddling. so tomarrow, i will leave their house unlocked and return before 2 to have sara sleep there. i am witnessing carol literally trying to push me out of sara's life. here's the bullet points:
1 - apparently sara's party was held in conjunction with her uncle johnathan's birthday on friday afternoon. (i told carol in DECEMBER that i would take the time off to be here, and she has 5 other siblings, so they HAD to plan ahead for that.) i arrived friday night....thanks for the call
2 - i could not spend sunday night with sara because they were going to see great grandma wolfe.(they HAVE to tell her great grandma in alot of advance that they are coming, and i have not seen great grandma wolfe, because she KNOWS what carol did was wrong, and me seeing her will start i small riot)
well, that's it so far. still got 2 days left, so i'll fill everyone in when i have more dirt to dish out. thanks for reading.....let the bombardment begin ----->

Someone needs to smack that bitch because she needs to realize her daughter has a good father. You went to her house at 6 a.m. to watch you daughter when that piece of shit she is with right now wouldn't even keep an ear out for her as she slept. They sound like two rotten peas in a pod without sufficient amounts of oxygen...perfect for one another, but not good at all for a little girl. Hope the rest of your trip turns out ok.
The best thing you can do is continue to be the best father possible for your daughter. You know as well as anyone else that one day, Sara will be able to look at what's happening and make her own interpretations.It's hard right now and it's probably going to be that way for a while, but as long as you remain convicted to Sara and the life you want for her, you will perservere. Chin up love...................