got back from the CNY party this afternoon, and once again, had a great time. met a few more peeps, and all of them drenched in awesomesauce (kareoke attempt aside), and just after i went upstairs to pass out, 2 of the girls that were stealthy as elephants, tried to sneak up on me. when they did they jumped on top of me and...
god i hated it . then they found out i was tickleish and proceeded to molest me. everyone else made it into the bedroom due to the comotion, and yet more fun was had by all. i'm still debating on packing everything up and moving to ATL or just outside of it.
then i wake up...but still happy
funbagged makes the image of a giant happy testicle costume pop in my head. i don't know why.

you're creeeeeepier