my first day at the new job was really cool. i saw all the guys that i play cards with on a regular basis, and mike the store owner was really glad i was there. he left at about 3 pm, and returned at about 5 pm. he told me at the end of the night that he was so relaxed knowing the fact that he didn't have to worry about something going wrong at the store, or losing money on a deal. he and his wife (the other co-owner) are going to call me tomarrow to discuss my salary. i'm not even concerned about it for the simple fact that the 12 hours i was there seemed like 4. it was a really good day in general.
tomarrow amy is going to come over. i'll see if she wants to have dinner here so i can introduce her to the family. i go on graveyard shift on monday for 2 weeks. i learned this thursday afternoon, so i'll be up till' the wee hours to adjust. i do believe this year will be a good one.
tomarrow amy is going to come over. i'll see if she wants to have dinner here so i can introduce her to the family. i go on graveyard shift on monday for 2 weeks. i learned this thursday afternoon, so i'll be up till' the wee hours to adjust. i do believe this year will be a good one.

Thanks for the welcome, and nope, I wrote it..........
congrats are in order! I have really sucked at SG lately - trying to do too much with not enough time I suppose...BUT - it was Debbie Harry and Kermie singing the rainbow connection....Awesome, awesome stuff....Missed you!