the ex-wife called today. she said that she had the weekend of the 8th off, and wanted to come down and pick up sara. she said that after the last time i was supposed to go up there, and i didn't she was concerned about me not keeping the arangement. i said that was the ONLY time that it had happened. i told her the water pump on the van was going out and i was trying to get it fixed, as well as sara getting sick two days before we were to leave. she then backpeddled and said she didn't want me to forget about the stuff of hers that i was to bring last time (when the water pump went out and sara got sick), and didn't. i then told her that i wanted to have her stay until the 22nd, so my father, stepmother, and family down here could have some resemblence of christmas with her. SARA HAS NEVER SPENT A SINGLE CHRISTMAS HERE. i have to throw that out there too. she then said that she would try to work some overtime and try to get a day off the weekend of the 22nd. we'll see....sometimes people really piss me off.
actually because my grades on tests and assignments were so good my instructer for my other 2 classes said i didnt have to do the final exam work. ![biggrin](
There's been a long legal battle over it for the last 10 years-ish already. The government isn't going to be doing jack about it.