hey all
i know its been a while since i last posted a blog but i thought i say hi and try and keep my blog active.
how is everyone btw?
im ok - i twisted my knee yesterday in football (soccer in american) and it bloody kills when i try and walk. Ive not got a knee support for when i work - it still hurt when i walk but its a little better.
so pretty much my weekend was not very exciting - please dont laugh when i say this but i deliver avon books - its makes me money so i see it as a business opportunity. so that was saturday and for the rest of the day i chilled, drunk beer and slept!
i dont know why i am so tired recently its wired as soon as i lie down i fall asleep and im getting reguarly 8 hours a night sleep so i dont know why i feel so tired!! any suggestions?
sunday well not much either chilled and relaxed, slepted, drunk beer and chilled!!
i love peoples comments so pls comment when you read this blog
i know its been a while since i last posted a blog but i thought i say hi and try and keep my blog active.
how is everyone btw?
im ok - i twisted my knee yesterday in football (soccer in american) and it bloody kills when i try and walk. Ive not got a knee support for when i work - it still hurt when i walk but its a little better.
so pretty much my weekend was not very exciting - please dont laugh when i say this but i deliver avon books - its makes me money so i see it as a business opportunity. so that was saturday and for the rest of the day i chilled, drunk beer and slept!
i dont know why i am so tired recently its wired as soon as i lie down i fall asleep and im getting reguarly 8 hours a night sleep so i dont know why i feel so tired!! any suggestions?
sunday well not much either chilled and relaxed, slepted, drunk beer and chilled!!
i love peoples comments so pls comment when you read this blog

Thanks so much for the kind words on my Good Evening Dierdre video. I shot it saturday night, and editted it sunday night. Nice little weekend project, and looking forward to doing more. <3
i actually got out this weekend! big change for me lol i met up with some sg peeps in san diego, played some golf at a company tourney, and helped a friend move. i was tired today but i feel like i got a lot out of the weekend
plus there was lots of beer drinking involved LOL