Haven't posted on here in ages... Back to single unfortunatelly... bored as fuck.... just sit around playing drums and working... my life is such a ride.
i totally went an fucked everything over...
like i always seem to do.
i just wanted to say goodbye..and seeing how we kinda met on sg i guess it made sense.
i dont have alot of time..and i really should have made better use of the good times that i did have..and not let them go like i did. i wanted better things for you..i didnt want you to see me like i am today...im know you dont care but i do very much.
hopefully there is a next life and ill do better in that one...you are a really awesome guy and i loved you very much. i still do.
hopefully i didnt fuck things up so bad that youll hate me forever.
If i liked SG before, i'd be totally in love with it now. If anyone else agree's with me in the fact that life moves in phases, from total shit to high as a fuckin kite, i'm living proof. Now i just need to learn to ride out the shit a little better. Anyway, i'm back riding at the top for the time being. Thanks...
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i think you can update your page too from current crush: need one frown to current crush: got one smile smile and i think i might know who the girlie might me.... im smart.... cheese tongue tongue tongue
hey i so totally updated my page...by the time you read this i would have already told you in person but you will have forgotten so... anywoo... yeah im like so totally crushing on you.. love love which i think you probably already know from how i act in bed haha...
well now.... wink
Browsing through the profiles as my time allows, i have come to an appifany. I need to move.... Apparently noone lives in VA haha. Mabye if i live in Cali i could find more people that i can tolerate. Then again, I don't really have the guts to move. So i guess i'll just continue banging my head against the idiots here until i convience...
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Its really hard on me here too. having tats and my nose and lip pierced, everyone thinks im a heathen!!!! skull skull skull its true, ive actually had some random women come up to me in walmart and try to get me to pray with her. surreal surreal its not like im the devil jeez!!! im from miami, so im like shell shocked the only good thing about this place is that you can get a soda from a machine for less then a buck!!!! thats it. there's me my bestest friend heidi and a few other people that i know that are kick ass!!!! that's about it........so good luck and im here to agree with everything bad you can say about this place....later gator whatever whatever whatever
JOB >>>>>really???? kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss im starting to really like you now wink wink wink wink wink wink wink
The profile pretty much sums it up. I'm here because i'm tired of dating girls who have nothing in common with me. Half the time i feel like a novelty. Joined this site hopeing i might find a girl with an attitude, an oppinion, and an interesting personality. Please contact me if you are said girl. We'll see what happens.