School is okay. There's one class I despise. I don't care what I get for a grade in that class as long as I pass. But, blah...I don't exactly want to hurt my GPA either. Stupid analyzing fiction class. other news, that weekend in Worcester was sweet. I randomly had a dismembered arm and foot (fake blood and all) in my car, so we decided to wreak havoc on the dorm with them. I think we made it interesting for the bored kids.
And then, when it was time to go, we discovered that my lights had been left on for 2 whole days. It was pretty funny in an ironic sort of way because I had gotten a bunch of stuff done on my car to make sure we'd have a safe trip, and then my car dies because of leaving the lights on!
Yeah...and it was raining, which made the moment more special: all of us, standing in the rain, jump-starting my car, and then saying our goodbyes. *sigh*
I'm going to try to get Ocean Eyes to take some intimate pics tonight, because I need more naked pics dammit!
Much love! other news, that weekend in Worcester was sweet. I randomly had a dismembered arm and foot (fake blood and all) in my car, so we decided to wreak havoc on the dorm with them. I think we made it interesting for the bored kids.

And then, when it was time to go, we discovered that my lights had been left on for 2 whole days. It was pretty funny in an ironic sort of way because I had gotten a bunch of stuff done on my car to make sure we'd have a safe trip, and then my car dies because of leaving the lights on!

I'm going to try to get Ocean Eyes to take some intimate pics tonight, because I need more naked pics dammit!

Much love!

Please send hugs to Neona
Analyzing fiction can be the most unbearable thing in the world. I've been tempted to scream "HE IS JUST GOING TO GET A CUP OF COFFEE! THERE IS NO HIDDEN MEANING" in class before.